The Role of Low-Lying Pubic Tubercle in the Development of Inguinal Hernia – A Control Study
Dr. N. Juniorsundresh, Dr. S. Narendran

Objective: The aim of this study was to find out the relationship of pubo-spinal distance between the cases and controls, to study the clinical profile of inguinal hernia, to study the prevalence of hernia in various age groups and to study the frequency of complication among the patients. Design: This was a case-control study. Duration: 15 Months i.e. from January 2015 to February 2016. Setting: This study was conducted at Raja Muthaih Medical College and hospital. Participants: 150 patients with Inguinal Hernia irrespective of sex and occupation attending the Out Patient and In patient of Raja Muthaih Medical College and Hospital were included in the study Methods: The study was conducted in two groups, the case group – patients suffering from inguinal hernia and the control group – patients attending OPD with other complaints. The inter-spinal distance, the tubo-spinal distance and the mid-inguinal point to pubic tubercle distance were measured. All these measurements thus obtained were tabulated and analyzed using chi-square test and student ‘t’ test. Results: The average SS value for case was 23.12 which was much above the average in control group which was 22.87. The t value was also significant (9.786). For the ST value the mean was 7.34 in the study group and was only 6.93 in the control group. The statistical significance was proved with t value 8.57. The average MP distance was 5.63 in control group which was much higher than study group with distance of 5.327. Conclusion: We can conclude that the anatomy of pubic tubercle and abnormal protective mechanism of internal oblique attribute to the etiology of inguinal hernia.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/ijmp.v8n1a3